Monday, April 19, 2010

Sorabol - SF Center

I really like Sorabol at the San Francsico. Being Korean-American it's hard to find great cheap Korean food in San Francisco. The East Bay & South Bay has cheap Korean restaurants galore, but not so much in SF. Also, the parents live so far away that it's difficult to go home and get great momma's home cooking.

Enter Sorabol - SF Center. Please keep in mind that I like Sorabol in the SF Center. All other locations sucks ass. This is probably because SF Center food court is more bougie than the Stonestown and the Emeryville locations. On Sundays, Mr. Belly Jiggle and I like to eat Korean food and watch a movie, and so SF Center is the perfect place to go.

Soft Tofu Soup: There's only 1 kind offered and it comes with a couple veges, clams, 1 oyster and 3-4 med sized shrimps. It's pretty decent and it's about $1.50 more expensive than Kukje (Peninsula) and $2.00 cheaper than My Tofu House (Inner Richmond). It comes with a bowl of rice cooked in the Korean sticky style, and not that lame fluffy Chinese way.

Spicy BBQ Chicken: So good but I wish it was spicier. Portion is hearty, so I always eat half pre-movie and half post-movie. I can never seem to save it for left overs the next day.

Egg Rolls: Totally not Korean food, but great greasy goodness.

Potstickers: The skin is really thick and chewy and steamed. I prefer the thick skin as opposed to the thin wimpy skin.

Kim Chi: Not spicy and really gross. It tastes like they took tobasco sauce, watered it down dipped some cabbage in it, and then put it in tiny little plastic cups. Gross.

3-Bone Teardrop Kalbi: They only give you 2 lame super thin slices. Taste is so-so. Net - not impresssed.

Short Ribs: Decent portion and flavor. I've had better elsewhere, but it's pretty damn good for mall food.

Steamed Veges: Veges are perfectly steamed and firm. Not wimpy and really good.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Aperto Had A Little Lamb...

I've been wanting to go this Aperto for a while. Every time I pass it I always want to be on the inside and not on the outside. This is an Italian restaurant with a homey feel to it. But really, what Italian restaurant doesn't have a home feel to it? Even Bucca di Beppo has a homey feel to it. We came here with another couple and it's really perfect for 4 people, maybe 6 max. The table by the bay window in the front is where I wanted to be since it has a great street view, but there were 4 old women that were parked there forever and I was hungry.

We were indecisive about a wine selection, so the manager gave us a tasting of a couple red wines. WTF? How great is that? You really don't get that kind of kindness and food service any more.

Portobello Mushroom: Special appetizer of the day and I love portobello mushrooms. It's so beefy, like my man. HAHA.

Orecchiette w/Lamb Sausage: I LOOOVE lamb. I really do. Gamey ground lamb sauteed to perfection. Herbs & spices are lovely. I felt like Homer Simpson drooling over beer. I gave some of my entree to Mr. Belly Jiggle and one of the our friends, but really it was out of manners that I did so. I didn't want to share and I wanted to be a fat selfish pig who ate it all.

Chocolate Tart: WTF was this? The waitress raved about it, but it really was not that great. She said that it was dense and reeeeallly good. So we took her word for it. When she said dense I thought she means dense like a torte. was dense like a cookie. Really, the only thing wonderful about it was the freshly whipped whip cream. One of our friends can't stand whipped cream. What a weirdo...more for me.
1434 18th St.
San Francisco, CA 94107

Friday, February 19, 2010

Zachary's Chicago Pizza - Sauce Only

Big H is so obsessed with Zachary's Pizza that it's really annoying. He talks about Zachary's all the effin time. UGH. I've heard him tell this story of how he would drive from SF to Berkeley for lunch during work just to get the pizza. And then everyone in his office would think that he's the greatest for bringing Zachary's back. I think that he has Alzeimer's because he's told me this story about 20 times.

Sauce: He bought some sauce and made home-made pizza with it. I never got to eat any of it because I was out of the country and he didn't save me any. How selfish.

5801 College Ave
Oakland, CA 94618

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Cigar Bar & Grill

Mr. Belly Jiggle was already drinking with his friend and so I went to Cigar Bar & Grill after work to decompress after a long day of dealing with retarded people. He had some food waiting for me...YES!

The friend also had a surprise...had just picked up an engagement ring for his girlfriend: 2 Carats, G Color, Unknown Clarity, setting was beautiful. I wanted to try the ring on because it's something that I would have picked out myself. But I can't try on a ring before the bride-to-be does. Right...?

I admit that I was a little jealous because I would like a large sparkly ring on my finger. Mr. Belly Jiggle, please take notes.

Fish Tacos: Delicious but teeny tiny. Very annoying since I was hungry and I wanted food for a person, not a model.

Plantains: Cooked in the traditional way, but not a fan. It was a little dry.

Bulleit, Gingerale & Bitters: My favorite drink in the world of my own creation. Of course it's good.

850 Montgomery Street
San Francisco, CA 94133

Monday, February 8, 2010

French Weekend of Gluttony

3.5 french meals within 2 days. Oh what a wonderful feeling for my belly.

Meal 1: Chez Maman in Potrero Hill - Saturday afternoon started at Chez Maman and since we were just eating breakfast at 3 p.m., we were lucky to get a seat at this awesome tiny restaurant. I had a burger with salad and it was by far one of the juiciest burger I ever had. The patty was large, but thin, cooked to medium perfection.
All the herbs and cow juice on ciabatta-ish/sourdough-ish bread. Yum! I gave my pickle to H and ate half the burger in order to save the rest for later that night.

Meal 2: Cassis in Pac Heights - Decor was beautiful and the perfect place for a large birthday party. Drinks were slightly on the high side, but well done. We had 12 people in total and all the food came out right at the exact time. Although, there was a slight snafu with one person's dessert, that was the only issue for a party so large and totally minor. I took advantage of the dine about town deal.

- Cold Crab Salad - YUMMMM!!
- Scallops - YUMMMMM!!
- Chocolate & Banana Mousse Cake w/Coconut Sauce - YUMMMMM!!

I also had bites of H's Escargot - Brown snotty looking things, mixed with brown snotty looking mushrooms drenched in butter in a pastry shell. So good, I just had a chill go up my back.

The waiter was a bit snooty and actually not a very pleasant person. Oh well, he's French. And all the food came out on time so I was happy.

Meal 2.5: My House - After drinking & partying up at The Cellar for above-mentioned friend's birthday I ate the 2nd half of my burger from Chez Maman and it was still delicious cold. It was a drunken mess and I can't remember if I shared a bite with H. How selfish of me. But this is exactly why I saved half for later.

Meal 3: Brenda's French Soul Food in the TL - The next morning, after eating all that french food the day before I was craving more French food. I dragged H to wait in line with me for 30 minutes and it was well worth the wait.

- Coffee - Strong, just like H. Almost like half espresso, half coffee, but it was brewed in a regular commercial coffee maker that you would probably find at my favorite donut shop. Same machine, different coffee product. I'm in heaven at Brenda's.
-Grillades & Grits - Beef drowning in grits next to their sunny side up egg friends with a buttery biscuit. I'm going to have a heart attack from being in love with so much butter.
-Beignet Sampler: Plain - Tastes like a warm yummy donut. Apple - I'm not a fan of apple pie, except for when it comes from Mickey Dee's, so not my fave. Crawfish - Um...what's up with the Cayenne Pepper dust? When took a breath I almost choked on it. Also, the filling was way too salty. Ghirardelli Chocolate - YUMMMM!!!!!!

Now, I'm 10 pounds heavier and extremely happy. Tomorrow, I start P90X.